Newsletter No 19 15 November 2023
From the Principal
Hi Everyone
Tomorrow is World Philosophy Day - our students will discuss 'the Human of the Future'. World Philosophy Day is a day to celebrate our thinking through discussion- it continues to be central to our teaching and learning at Buranda State School.
Next Wednesday our instrumental music students will perform for their parents and our classes . It will be a showcase of their development throughout the year with Mrs Wilson.
Our prep orientation is next Thursday 23 November.
The final day of school - will be slightly different from this year onwards. After consultation with the P&C and our staff, we will have an alternative option for first break. During the second break, children will be provided with an ice-block. Our year 6s will assist in distributing ice-blocks to the student cohort. I will send a special update, once the format of the day has finalised. The whole-school shared lunch worked well in the past- when we had fewer students. As our numbers have grown it has become very difficult to manage on many levels. We will continue to grow and as a result a new way to celebrate the end of school will commence this year.
Student mobile phones: From Term 1 2024, all state school students must keep their mobile phones switched off and ‘away for the day’ during school hours. See the link for further information.
Why are students being asked to put their phone away for the day?
This approach is being implemented in all Queensland state schools to help:
- reduce distractions in the classroom
- increase face-to-face interactions between students
- promote student health and wellbeing
- reduce the potential for student exposure to negative impacts of the digital world, such as cyberbullying.
Can I remind you that children should not be collected by vehicle in Cowley Street. Cowley Street is a shared cul-de-sac used by school staff and clients and staff of the Queensland Health building. If you collect children by vehicle please use the drop off and pick up in Martin Street- or the Gladys St car park. It is not safe to use Cowley St as a drop off and pick up area.
Please decide if your child is able to bring personal items like watches or earrings on swimming days. The school is not responsible for the safekeeping of such items. If your child is still learning to care for their personal belongings - the fewer items they bring on swimming days the better. Please clearly label your children’s belongings with their name.
Please let administration know as soon as possible if you are not returning to the school in 2024. A Student Exit form will need to be completed. If you are leaving early for holidays, any students who are away for more that 10 school days will need to have an Application for Exemption form completed.
Have a great week.
Kind regards
Simon Vaseo - Principal
Upcoming excursions
Yr 5 & 6 Royal Lifesaving | Monday 27 November | ASAP | $13.50 | 24 November |
Head Lice
Head lice have been detected in the school.
It is extremely important for you to check your child’s head for head lice and/or eggs TODAY. Keep checking every 2 days until there are no head lice found for 10 consecutive days.
If you do find head lice and/or eggs, commence effective treatment immediately and be sure to complete the process of treatment. This will help prevent head lice from spreading. Teachers will reduce head-to-head contact activities while head lice are known to be around.
If for any reason you are having difficulties treating the head lice on your child effectively, please contact the school on 3435 1222.
Simon Vaseo
From the Music room
All of our music classes are busily learning what it is like to rehearse in an ensemble in preparation for the Week 10 Music Concert. We can't wait to share our new ensemble skills with our audience! Every student in the school will perform with their year level cohort and the choir will also perform at this end of year event. Don't miss out!
The music concert will be held on Thursday of Week 10, December 7th, starting promptly at 1.45pm and finishing at 3pm.Camilla Tafra
Classroom Music Teacher
Bakery fundraiser
Anice has been selected into the Football Academy at Cavendish Road SHS starting in 2024. The news just kept getting better when she recently found out that the girls' program will be touring Japan in April 2024.
After she realised that there was no money in selling her books or toys she started looking for other options. We have generously received the support of an importer of the finest French pastries. These exceptional products are typically only sold in cafes. They are snap frozen to retain their quality and are delicious after just 17-20 minutes in the oven. They are sold in packets of six and the prices are very reasonable.
Hurry orders close soon, please click on the link below:
Anice's Soccer Tour Fundraiser

From the P & C
Tuckshop this Friday, 17 November, has the following options for first and second break. Sushi, salad wraps and chicken ceasar wraps are on the menu for first break.
Remember to place your orders on Qkr! by 8pm tonight.
Our tuckshop coordinator (Cass) needs more volunteers to help the tuckshop run.
Please sign up to help keep tuckshop running.
You can sign up in 3 easy steps:
1) Click this link to see our SignUp on SignUp:
2) Review the options listed and choose the spot(s) you like.
3) Sign up! It's Easy - you will NOT need to register an account or keep a password on SignUp.
Note: SignUp does not share your email address with anyone. If you prefer not to use your email address, please contact Cass Somers at
The uniform shop has moved! Come and say hello at the new location, under the office, known as ‘The Old Tuckshop’.
The uniform shop is open Wednesdays 8am-9am and Thursdays 2:30pm-3:30pm. Order on QKR! before 10am Tuesday and deliveries will be made to classes on Wednesday mornings.
Holidays opening hours:
Tuesday 16th January - 10am - 12am
Wednesday 17th January – 2:30pm -3:30pm
Thursday 18th January – 8am - 10am
Monday 22nd January – 8am - 9:30am
Uniform Donation:
A box for uniform donations will be put near the uniform shop in the last week of school.
Please, only donate uniforms in good condition. No tears, rips, or stains! Every year we get rid off half of the donated uniforms because of the state of them.
Lost Property: (uniforms only!)
Lost property, uniforms only, is now next to the new uniform (under the office). Items are sorted by class if labelled with student name.
Remember to put your students name on each item.
Please contact Ludivine for any queries:
Email: or 0432257248
Ludivine Mahoney, Uniform Shop Convenor
Disco Friday 1 December – School Hall
Put on your dance shoes and fluoro shirts, to celebrate the end of a wonderful school year. See attached flyer.
This is a great fundraiser and family event. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Come and meet some new people.
DONATIONS: Between now and 1 December, we’d like each family to donate cans of soft drink (sugar-free preferred) or multi-packs of mini crisps and mini chocolates. Donations can be left at the office.
Cash and card are accepted at candy bars and food truck. Cash payment at the entry gate is preferred (it’s quicker!!) - $5 per person.
Volunteers needed for a 1 hour shift on the night - please text Laura Klein on 0403 818440 or look out for the volunteer sheet on What’s App class groups. Many hands make light work.
It’s a fun night, with a great community vibe. See you there
Iceblock Cards
Don't throw away your iceblock cards if they are unfinished, these can be re-used next year, please remember to update your child's class next year on the QKR! app.
Warm regards
Chris McGrath
P&C President
M: 0432899097
P&C website:
P&C on Facebook: