Newsletter 3 9 February 2022
From the Principal
Hi everyone
Welcome back to school for 2022. Thank you for your support and patience this week for our delayed return to school for all students. It was wonderful to see our students return to school on Monday and everyone is settling in well. A special welcome to all new families.
It is great to see that many children have chosen to wear masks to school. Masks are strongly recommended for students from years 3-6. Masks are available at school (disposable type) but if you’d like to send a mask along with your child, please do.
Thank you for staying home if sick and getting tested. If staff or students become unwell at school we will be sending them home with a Rapid Antigen Test (to administer at home). Please be aware that students and staff get priority testing at QLD Health sites.
Please be alert to any cold or flu symptoms in your children (however mild)- this could include :
- fever
- cough
- sore throat
- headache
- fatigue
- shortness of breath
- runny nose
- diarrhoea
- vomiting or nausea
- loss of the sense of smell or taste
- muscle or joint pain
- loss of appetite.
We have currently suspended our assemblies in the hall. Our first online assembly for 2022 is next Tuesday 15 February, with all classes. We successfully ran online assemblies in 2021.
The parent information night usually offered in week 3, will not go ahead as planned. We will send home important school and class information on Tuesday 22 February.
Classroom music will commence this week and instrumental music will start next week. Swimming has started too (years 1-6). Please ensure students have the appropriate swimming gear- clearly labelled in a durable bag.
We understand that every day is different. Sometimes children may be struggling at school or refusing to go to school, calmly encouraging and supporting our children is a good first step. The Spark their Future website has tips on how to help your child succeed at school including a short video.
We appreciate this is a challenging time for families and we thank you for your ongoing support. We are looking forward to working with you in 2022 at Buranda State School.
Have a great week
Simon Vaseo
Important Road Safety Information
Please see attached flyers regarding safe parking and drop off/pick up behaviours:

Iceblock day has changed this year and will now be on Wednesdays, unfortunately due to the current COVID restrictions iceblock day has been cancelled until further notice.
If you have not purchased a card you may do so through Qkr! Apart from preps, new cards can be collected by students from the tuckshop when they collect their iceblock. Preps will have their cards delivered to their classroom for distribution. Please ensure you update your child's class from last year.
Please do not throw away your Iceblock cards, last years cards can be used this year.
From the P & C
Hello community!
Welcome back to 2022. We were able to kick it off this year with a very successful Preppie BBQ at Hanlon Park last Friday afternoon, thank you to all our prep, year one and year two families who were able to attend and meet one another, it was a great way to kick off the year. It was lovely to meet all of you. Let's do it again soon!
Tuckshop and Uniform Shop
Due to COVID changes, the P&C is now well-positioned to consider the future of both Tuckshop and the Uniform Shop at Buranda State School.
What do we need? What are we missing? Ideas? We want to hear from you.
Upcoming AGM
A great way to participate in these conversations is coming to our next meeting, which also coincides with the Buranda SS P&C AGM in March. We will send out a link to the membership form on socials shortly, but we would love to have as many attend in person as possible. COVID requirements for high-risk (education) settings apply for P&C Meetings.
At the AGM, like every year, we will have a new P&C Executive elected this year. For me, I have decided one year as President is quite enough for me (and my only active P&C years through COVID!) and I am looking to handing over the reins to another willing person/people this year. We will also have other open roles available on the P&C executive.
Apply within and get in touch, I am happy to discuss these opportunities with anyone interested via, let's make a time to chat!
We will desperately need volunteers to help run both Winter Solstice, and Buranda Fest this year, as we have secured funds from Brisbane City Council for both events, and they are both sure to be memorable this year. More to come on this.
I look forward to still being an active member of the P&C and will actively seek to support our new P&C Executive for the 2022 - 2023 year.
Zoe (Hugo and Posy's Mum)
Outgoing President
Buranda State School P&C Association
Uniform Shop
Thank you to all for your patience while the P&C has scuttled to man the uniform shop very quickly due to the impacts of COVID in schools for 2022.
The uniform shop will be open every Thursday starting tomorrow - 10 February at the following times:
8am - 9am 4pm - 5pm
Please email the uniform shop on: if you have any queries.
At present, the uniform shop is managed wholly and solely by P&C volunteers so we may not be able to be as reflexive and responsive as you need, but we are really trying. Thanks to the Buranda School Office team Maree, Rosemary and Tracy who are also helping us to make sure families have what they need for the school year.
In the last week, amazingly, the Uniform Shop has raised over $2000 in revenue, and we have also seen a ginormous interest in our quality second-hand uniform program, with the uniform shop selling out in quite a few second hand sizes.
What a big-ticket item these have turned out to be! We are currently waiting on our next shipment of skorts (these sold like hotcakes in the past month!) We will let you know when the new stock comes in and can be delivered to you.
Sports Shirts
Have you seen our new sports shirts that are available this year?
We are currently taking orders for Sports Shirts in Socrates (gold), Aristotle (blue) and Plato (green) but these are not yet in stock, they are being printed currently. We will update you via the newsletter and QKR! when you can pick up orders.
New School Sports Hats
Additionally, we are now selling our new school hats with Socrates (gold), Aristotle (blue) and Plato (green) house colours on the underside, you will see a number of children with these brand new hats around the school. For $12, you can represent your house colour all year round. Come and visit the Uniform Shop for sizing! Maroon hats also still available for purchase.
Winter Shirts
Yes, we have sold out in some sizes of our Winter Shirts... in Summer! What makes our Winter Shirts attractive, is they are breathable 100% cotton and many families have chosen to purchase these this year, as really, in QLD they are suitable all year round. This has meant we are sold out in key sizes. We will let you know when stocks are replenished.
Second-Hand Uniforms
Thank you for your ongoing donations to our uniform shop. Our local families have been so appreciative of your generosity. If you have quality second-hand uniforms items with logos, please think about donating them to the uniform shop. The P&C will lovingly check over the items, wash and repackage each item ready for sale, for a small price with all profits going to Buranda State School.
Top Chess
Chess will start next Wednesday, please go to the website below to register your interest: